


If you're interested in a career fueled by innovation and creativity, consider Cedarville's distinctly Christian Industrial and 创新 Design degree! 你的室内外建筑设计课程, 产品设计, and 运输 design will equip you for a dynamic 3D design career in a variety of industries. You'll also 经验 Cedarville’s highest standards of excellent academics with a biblical worldview. 当你毕业时, 你将不仅为你的职业生涯做好准备, 也要通过你的生活和工作来反映基督.

沙巴体育的合作伙伴 国际创意中心 (国际刑事法庭), 他们最近翻新的设施位于都柏林, 俄亥俄州, 哥伦布的西北郊区. You'll spend your first two years on Cedarville’s campus completing your Bible minor and general education courses. 然后, you will complete your junior and senior years at 国际刑事法庭’s unique and picturesque professional design studios, where you'll gain the knowledge and skills you need for a successful and exciting career in 3D design.

You will be taught a wide range of design application options through studying coursework in:

  • Consumer 产品设计 – focus on products that will be purchased and used by people
  • Exterior architectural design – focus on the outside of homes and buildings
  • Interior architectural design – focus on the inside design of homes and buildings
  • Transportation design – focus on the design of models for vehicles
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全面的 — You will be immersed in the design and creativity development 经验, 学习渲染技巧, 动手解决问题, 模型制作, 数字设计, 设计研究, 设计创业, 演讲 技能和设计思维方法.

广泛的接触 — You will be taught a wide range of design application options through studying coursework in:

  • Consumer 产品设计 – focus on products that will be purchased and used by people
  • Exterior architectural design – focus on the outside of homes and buildings
  • Interior architectural design – focus on the inside design of homes and buildings
  • Transportation design – focus on the design of models for vehicles

专业化 -在你大四的春天, you will select a specific area of design through a capstone research project to then develop during a nearly 12-week “deep dive” into that particular area of interest.

创新 — The academic team at the 国际刑事法庭 understands that each student has their own unique learning style, and the curriculum and delivery methodology is just as innovative as the content itself.

真实世界的体验 -您将受益于连续交付的课程, 与传统程序中的并发性相比, meaning that you’ll focus on and master one subject area fully before moving 再看另一个. 这就增加了游戏的强度, 增加保留, 以及对“现实世界”设计项目的更大模拟, 要求, 和最后期限.

杰出的教师 — You’ll learn from 经验d faculty with real-world 经验.



The 国际创意中心 (国际刑事法庭) is an industry partner with Cedarville University. Together we work to develop the next generation of working professionals.


Placement of graduates from the industrial and innovative design program into design careers has been very high, 通常高于90%! Within six month of graduation, our graduates have been hired at places like:

  • 锐步
  • Bose电子
  • Sterilite公司
  • 本田研发
  • 通用动力公司(巴斯钢铁厂)
  • 办公
  • 大部分工作室
  • 大陆办公室
  • 优先级设计
  • 便雅悯 & 债券

根据行业数据, employment of commercial and industrial designers is expected to grow approximately 4% over the next decade. Employment growth will arise from increased demand for quality new or upgraded products that are safe and comfortable 使用, 以及消费电子领域的高科技产品, 医学, 运输, 以及其他领域. 尽管在海外进行的设计工作有所增加, 大多数设计工作, 尤其是与高科技产品设计无关的工作, 还会留在美国吗.

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


During the 国际刑事法庭 经验 students typically have multiple interactions with industry professionals, 参加演讲的人, 陪审团的工作, 开展具体内容的研讨会, 甚至监督班级项目. 这不仅提高了学生的 教育及经历, 但它也可以帮助你建立职业关系网并提供建议, 还有重组和投资组合审查.

主要是, students have an 经验 that is truly one-of-a-kind through challenging and relevant projects, 现有和聘用的教师, 一个充满活力和新鲜的课程, 一切都在一个激发创造力的环境中, 协作, 和创新.


Read project updates and news from our partners at the 国际刑事法庭 and see how Cedarville students and alumni are innovating in the classroom and on the job.


Building on your general education liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take core art 和设计 courses.

  • 消费产品设计
  • 室内空间设计


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.









Kirt Moritz的照片


Adjunct Professor; The 国际创意中心




艺术、设计、 & 剧院





